Wednesday, August 18, 2010

taiwan update (about freaking time!)

hey guys. yes this post has been long in the making, so sorry it took so long... T_T

this post will also take a few days as i have a lot of photos i wanna put up (i told you this was pretty big)

anyways here are some pictures of my neighborhood in taiwan:

the park near my apartment building (you can see taipei 101 in the background)

some cool lights i saw

lots of scooters here in taiwan...

like i said

a lot of 7-11's here (food is a lot better in here than in the states)

a favorite store of mine. you can get anything and i mean ANYTHING here

another 7-11, on the same street...

taipei 101!

typical day on mrt (taipei's metro). can't complain though, one train comes every 5 minutes


love this place!

the strawberry bear i bought. it had cream in it. delicious!

some things i can't do at a park i jog at... hmmm...

more to come in the coming days!



Sunday, August 15, 2010

sick... ugh...

hey guys the big post i hoped to put up today will have to wait. i'm sick with a cold and not feeling very well

hopefully will get that post up soon.

until then enjoy this picture i took of taipei 101 at night:

later guys,


Saturday, August 7, 2010

taiwan update

hey guys. sorry for the delay in posting. with classes and everything here in taiwan, things have been getting a bit busy.

right now is 7:45pm here and it's raining cats and dogs. yet it is still hot and humid as heck...

i also was able to meet up with some locals here in taiwan and get a drink with them (which was a large beer. delicious).

so far things are pretty good here. the weather just kinda sucks.



Monday, August 2, 2010

taiwan update

hey guys. so i started my first class for my refresher course before i start my class at the university here. if you want more info on the class i'm starting in september here's a link.

so some facts about taiwan so far (according to me):

-everyone and their mom drives a scooter here
-the drivers here are all freaking crazy!
-public transportation is so much easier here
-as long as you're in taipei, you can see taipei 101 ANYWHERE!

so that's it for now. will try to update as much as i can. stay tuned!
