Tuesday, July 27, 2010

in taiwan!!!

hey guys. i am now currently in taiwan after a marathon 9 hour flight from sfo to tokyo, then 2 hour layover in tokyo, then another 3 hour flight to taipei. let's just say yesterday i was about to pass out. it's currently about 10:17am of july28th in taiwan as i am writing this so keep that in mind. trying to get used to the time change here, and let me just say it's not easy.

also it's freaking hot as hell. i literally have been sweating non-stop since i came here. haha but i kinda expected that.

hopefully i'll post some pictures of my room here in taiwan and my first day of classes here as i did bring my camera (of course i would).

anyways keep checking here for more updates. i'll try to be as prompt as i can as i have to walk to the local library for internet access which is kind of a pain.

btw fyi, google is automatically in chinese here. who would have thunk?

enjoy your week guys,



  1. Hi Mike! Welcome to Taipei! LOL You don't sound like you want to be there very much. LOL Are you taking classes there? In English? Do you know any of the local language? What IS the local language??? Can you change Google so it shows in English? Can I come see you there for vacation? LOL JUST KIDDING!
    Many hugs -- hang in there, all the changes WILL fall into place and faster than you expect them to! I always found that making new friends takes the longest. I once moved 3,400 miles by myself so I have SOME idea what you're going through!


  2. شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالخبر

    تسربات المياه امر خطير نلاحظ سقوط مباني باكملها وسقوط حوائط في بعض الاحيان ولا احد يعلم السبب، ولكن ادا بحثنا سوف نجد ان هذا المبني كان به مشكلة تسرب مياه وعلي المدي البعيد ادت الي صدا الخرسانة وانهيار المباني، مع شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالخبر سوف يتم القضاء على مشكلة كشف تسربات بشكل نهائي وسريع، لدينا افضل الادوات التي تقوم بالكشف عن اماكن التسرب بدون الحاجة الي تكسير الحوائط والارضيات اطلاقا، ونقوم بإصلاح مشكلة تسريب المياه بافضل المواد، كما اننا نقدم خدمة عزل الأسطح والخزانات للقضاء على مشكلة تسريب المياه نهائيا ويكون ذلك بافضل الاسعار واقل التكاليف.
