Wednesday, July 28, 2010


greetings from taiwan again guys. (july 29 11:20 am)

so got chewed up by mosquitoes last night, and i found out for my refresher class in mandarin chinese, i basically have to start from the bottom up. so i'll be in a class with "adults" or teenagers.

yah not a great today...

hope your day is better in the states,



  1. Cheer up, Mike. There could be worse things than being in an adult Mandarin Chinese class. It could be hard because being there has to be a huge adjustment! Sorry about the mosquito bites. I didn't know you had mosquitos there!
    Look for a fun, new activity -- something you can really look forward to. Where are your parents? Do you have brothers and sisters? :)

  2. Where are you, Mike? What are you up to? Are you enjoying your grandparents? Did you know them before now? You can write in the comment section, too, you know, in reply to posted comments! LOL Wondering where you are!


  3. haha hi katie. thanks for reading and being so engaged.

    my grandparents dote on me like crazy and worry about me every minute of the day. my parents are still in the states so they didn't come up with me. i have one older sister studying in boston. just started my first class before my university class.

    continue to read my blog. i'll try my best update!

    much love,

