Saturday, August 7, 2010

taiwan update

hey guys. sorry for the delay in posting. with classes and everything here in taiwan, things have been getting a bit busy.

right now is 7:45pm here and it's raining cats and dogs. yet it is still hot and humid as heck...

i also was able to meet up with some locals here in taiwan and get a drink with them (which was a large beer. delicious).

so far things are pretty good here. the weather just kinda sucks.




  1. Hey Mike- sorry to hear about weather,at-least your out and about enjoying yourself, spite the weather. Do you have ac were ya are? What's the time difference?


  2. hey garv! yes i do have ac but not in my room. i basically have a fan going non-stop at all times.

    time difference is add 3 hours then change am to pm and vice versa (for pacific time)

    for example: it's 7:30pm in san francisco. so add three hours (10:30pm) then change to am, so right now in taiwan is 10:30am.

    does that make sense? haha.

    thanks for the questions and keep reading!


  3. oh yah we're also a day earlier than you guys. so if we use the previous example, it's saturday in san francisco, while in taiwan it's sunday.

    hope that helps. i'm not really good at this kind of thing. haha.


  4. Hi Mike,
    When it's Saturday in San Fran it's Sunday in Taiwan? You said it's a day earlier in Taiwan, so I'm confused. LOL

    Has the weather consistently been bad? What season is it there right now? Summer, too?

    SO so so glad you met some people and could relax with a beer with them! Yay! That's a very hard part of moving to a new place. Good going! (I even need to do more of this! LOL)

    Stay cool.

  5. Hi're your classes going now? Is it still raining a lot? Is it the rainy season?
    Do you run into very many people who can speak English?

    Hope you're feeling well and having a good time!


  6. hey guys!

    katie- classes are great. it's not raining as much right now. i really don't know if it is the rainy season. taiwan seems to want to rain whenever it feels like it right now.

    i do run into english speaking locals (by asking if they do speak english usually when i need to buy something). but they seem to not be confident in their english speaking skills so usually ask someone else to answer who knows it better.

    i'm doing fine! keep reading! i promise i huge post soon hopefully this weekend!


  7. Okay Mike. It's the weekend where you are! We need an update please. No pressure! LOL Just hope all's well. :)

